30 Days to Greater Self Love
Love the Person You are Today Add Value to the People in Your World Discover the Authentic and Confident You Emerge as the Beautiful Person You’ve Always Been, Deep Inside As You progress through each phase of this journey, you’ll absorb inspiring daily insights and engage in powerful self-identification exercises. 🌈
You’ll love waking up every day and spending time with this book – and yourself! Take a month to get to know the real you – and fall in love with yourself! Don’t put off the happiness you deserve any longer – Order your copy of 30 Days To Greater Self-Love today! What is self-love?
We can think of it as a desire to give our own well-being a level of importance and respect. If you love yourself, you have regard for yourself. It's about treating yourself as well as you would treat anyone you love. But most of us have been conditioned to believe that we should put ourselves last. We do this under the guise of caring about others or modesty. 🌺
However, this is very self-defeating. You can't do as much for others when you don't make yourself a priority, too. You have to live with yourself every minute of the day, so you may as well enjoy your company!
With this book, you will also receive a FREE Printable Worksheet, Checklist & Tracker to help track your process and achieve your Self Love goals! 📋
Fall in love with yourself in 30 days! ❤️ Explore self-love through daily insights and powerful exercises. 🌺 Treat yourself with the importance and respect you deserve. 📅 Includes a FREE Printable Worksheet, Checklist & Tracker to achieve your self-love goals. 🎉 Start your joyful journey now!